
音标/读音 [.refju'teiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 反驳, 辩驳, 反驳的证据
[计] 反驳

n. the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions



I'm not saying he shouldn't refute the charges.


For ignoring evidence that cannot be refuted.


As you said, they are good at refuting reality.

如你所说 否认事实是他们的强项

by refuting him, you orchestrated his end by proxy.

让他名誉扫地 你借他人之手精心策划了他的结局

At least it's the only one that can't be refuted by the facts.


I can't accept that, not if it refutes what I know to be true.

我不能接受 除非它能*我所知道的事实

I refute that as the image that was put upon us.

我不认同 加在我们身上的那些印象

I refuted that charge and have been striving for peace ever since.

我反驳了那一指控 此后一直 致力于维护和平

I've also seen the papers that have refuted your initial success.


I was not on the beach, so I cannot refute the charges, but, from what I hear, they are not easily di*issed.

我并不在海滩上 我不能驳斥指控 但据我听说 指控没那么好打发