
音标/读音 ['sʌbset]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 子集
[计] 子集; 子设备

n. a set whose members are members of another set; a set contained within another set



Yeah, missing rich kids are a subset.

对 富人家孩子失踪有很多种可能

It's a subset of mahimahi and it pairs very nicely with citrus, you oaf.

是鯕鳅的一种 跟柑橘配着吃很美味 你个呆子

A death threat is just a subset of phase one.


We have the dates in question divided into 4 specific subsets.


But the subset of the list who could actually afford to subsidize that pursuit, that's much *aller.

可这些人中能真正有足够资金 资助这种工作的 为数不多

The brain is a very complex organ, a cascading series of subsets that begin and end with the prefrontal cortex.

大脑是一种非常复杂的器官 由各个小部分组成 每个部分的前后两端都是前额叶皮质