
音标/读音 ['pri:his'tɔrik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 历史以前的, 史前的

s. belonging to or existing in times before recorded history
a. of or relating to times before written history
s. no longer fashionable



She said being in the closet was prehistoric.


What you're looking at prehistoric samples.

你看到的是 史前的樣本

It's prehistoric stuff they've been gone for eons.

是很原始的物种 早消失不见了

Prehistoric jaws and claws are designed to do what they do best.

史前动物的爪与牙 生来就是杀人利器

Because I'm not getting eaten by some goddamn prehistoric fish.


It's the leather skin, the prehistoric tail, the way they look at me.

你看那皮肤 那古老的尾巴 还有它们的眼神

The region has many more examples of prehistoric cave painting.


Australia's prehistoric forests are still full of predators.


Let me get you out of that ancient, rusted prehistoric truck.

換輛車吧 別開以前那輛破舊生鏽的老卡車了

Prehistoric bones buried deep, reveal thyselves at my feet.

史前遗骨深埋地下 现在重现于我脚下