音标/读音 [fɒb]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 诡计, 表袋, 短表链
vt. 骗人, 混骗

n. a vest pocket to hold a pocket watch
n. an adornment that hangs from a watch chain
n. short chain or ribbon attaching a pocket watch to a man's vest



So we get the fob, the fob gets us access, and the access gets us the name of the mysterious depositor.

我们拿到钥匙 就可以进入银行网络 就可以知道神秘的存款人的身份了

There's actually no key, just a fob.

沒有鑰匙 只有一條鏈子

There's an extra ring on it with no key or fob.

上面有一个多余的环 没有钥匙或者饰品

Look, we know you stole his key fob.


I have a very rare, gold, antique fob watch.


Listen, punch your fob and unlock your car.

听着 拿你的车钥匙开下锁

Keep her here for a while, grab the fob, and then punch in the code.

留住她 拿到密码器 然后输入密码

It's a key fob on the outside. Inside, I don't know.

大门需要密钥卡 楼里不清楚

Your wife's key fob was found at the scene.


They took the few things I had a cigar case, my fob chain.

他们收走了我一些东西 雪茄盒 表链