
音标/读音 [bә'tænikәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 植物学的
n. 植物性药材

n. a drug made from part of a plant (as the bark or root or leaves)



This is my case against the botanical garden.


So this is kind of the glue to all the other botanicals.


It does look stunning and botanically, for me, some of them look real.

看上去真是美轮美奂 也很符合植物构造 有些看上去像是真的

They're doing some pretty heavy duty botanical work here.


But sometimes I run through the botanic gardens and I head south.

但有时候我跑过植物园 然后往南跑

It's called fruit botanically, because it contains the seed of the plant.

但在植物学中 它也算是果实 因为其中含有作物的种子

Well, it's not the botanical gardens, but I guess it'll do for a reading.

这不是植物园 但做个解读还是可以的

Telling you right now, it's gonna be like a botanical centrifuge.

跟你说 那会像是个植物离心机

I want to find out if the vitamins, minerals, botanical supplements are all that they appear to be.

我想知道维生素 矿物质和植物性补剂 是否如商家标榜的那样有效

She wants us to bring it to the botanical garden greenhouse at midnight.

她想让我们午夜把东西带到 植物园的温室