
音标/读音 ['pedistl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 支柱, 基架, 基座, 基础
vt. 加座, 搁在台上, 支持, 提高...的地位

n. a position of great esteem (and supposed superiority)
n. an architectural support or base (as for a column or statue)



I promise, I'm not gonna put you on a pedestal.


You know he always put thomas on a pedestal.


Like I got you on the pedestal for a very long time.


The whole city puts your boy on a pedestal.


Well, men built the pedestal, darling, not me.

神坛是男人们建的 亲爱的 不是我

The girl on the pedestal, transformed into some daft whore.

女神 如今成了愚蠢的*

Looking down from your pedestal at us lowly cops.


And I didn't tell you about my dad because guys sometimes put me on a pedestal.

我没跟你说我爸爸的事 因为男孩子们有时候会把我放在基座上[崇拜我]

You idolize me, and nothing could ever knock me off that pedestal you put me on.

你视我为偶像 你把我供在神台上 没什么可以让我从神台上下来

A boar's head over the fireplace with a decorative pedestal backing.

在壁炉上面 用装饰底座挂了个野猪头