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◎ 单词释义

n. 伊莱扎(女子名, Elizabeth的昵称)



Eliza, I did not come here to fight.

伊莉莎 我不是來吵架的

Eliza, look at your place. It's so you.

伊莉莎 瞧瞧你家 真的很符合你

Eliza, you're down ‭on yourself, and I get it.

伊莱莎 你在怪罪自己 我理解

Eliza, you... you, uh... you look amazing.

伊莉莎 你... 真是太美了

Eliza, you are introducing the speech, not giving it.

伊莉莎 你只是介绍人 不用演讲

Eliza, he has done everything that we have asked of him.

伊莱莎 他已经做了我们要他做的一切

Eliza's very picky on who she brings home.


Eliza, this is not the time to fulfil your ambition.

伊莱莎 这不是你实现野心的时候

Eliza, try to stay off the phone tonight.

伊莉莎 今晚不要老盯着手机了

Eliza, this is a good idea, and I want him to know that it's yours.

伊莉莎 这可是个好主意啊 我希望他能知道 这是你想出来的