
音标/读音 ['ʃu:tiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 发射, 猎场, 射击

n. the act of firing a projectile
n. killing someone by gunfire



I'll shoot him. I'll shoot him. I'll shoot him.

用枪 用枪 我会用枪的

You don't shoot him, I still shoot you.

你不杀他 我还是会开枪

You shoot him, and I'm gonna shoot you.

你开枪杀了他 我就不得不开枪杀了你

For all his talk of shooting, he cannot shoot.

嘴上说了那么久开枪 他其实不会用枪

When there's something to shoot, we'll shoot.


Shoot only when I tell you to shoot.

除非我叫你, 千万别开火

If you shoot me, I'll shoot you back.

如果你开枪 我也会开枪

You shoot me, you're shooting a cop.

你朝我開槍 就是在朝一個警察開槍

Try to shoot them before they shoot us.


You shoot me, my gang shoots everyone.

你朝我开枪 我手下们就扫射大家