
音标/读音 [ʃi:n]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 光辉, 光彩, 光泽
a. 光辉的, 发光的, 有光泽的
vi. 发出光泽

n the visual property of something that shines with reflected light



Before the sheen wears off and the truth outs.

在光辉褪去 真相出来之前

It had sheen uh, beaver pelt, I'd say.

很有光泽 我觉得是海狸皮

I mean, the density, the sheen, the crumb this is an *.

从密度 光泽 碎屑程度来看 这是成年人的

And your hair, if I might be so bold, has such a glossy sheen on it.

你的头发 请原谅我的大胆 如丝般柔顺光泽

C4 has a plastic sheen and a putty like consistency.

C4炸药有塑料光泽 密度和腻子差不多

Please tell me it still has its natural sheen and volume.


And I'm shedding my skin and, like, this new layer of skin has so much sheen.

我在蜕皮 新的皮肤充满光泽

And it's because the leaves have this incredible white downy sheen to them, almost like silver fuzz.

这样命名是因为这种树叶子表面 有一层白色的霜状物 像银色绒毛一样

The subjects seem to have a uniform: shoes to add height, shirts revealing epidermis, and a glittery sheen.

受试者似乎有一致性 增加身高的鞋子 暴露表皮的衬衫 还有闪粉

The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionali* that really gives the songs a big boost.

整张专辑听起来清脆悦耳 精湛的专业水平带来的熠熠光辉 让他们的歌曲有了质的飞跃