
音标/读音 [gɒ:l]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 胆汁, 五倍子, 苦味, 肿痛, 恼怒, 磨损处
vt. 烦恼, 屈辱, 磨伤
vi. 被磨伤

n. a skin sore caused by chafing
n. abnormal swelling of plant tissue caused by insects or microorganisms or injury
v. irritate or vex



There's some things I can't do by myself, as much as that galls me.

有些事我自己实在是没法做 虽然我自己也很烦恼

But I do have the gall and the straight face.

但是我就是有这胆量 我也能脸不红不心跳地说出这句话

So they pull out my gall bladder, zip me up.

他们把我的胆囊掏出来 缝合好

I even had the gall to say that I can't be trusted.


Oh, you have gall, lying to my face.

你真有胆 当着我的面骗我

He even had the gall to say that I can't be trusted.


you have the gall to break apart our family.

你胆敢 让我们的家庭破裂

Then he has the gall to tell me that he has lost his wallet.


She had the gall to tell me that even my days were numbered.


I quite enjoy one, but what galls me is having to retreat.

还挺喜欢的 *退却简直就是羞辱