
音标/读音 ['freʃnis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 新, 新鲜, 精神饱满

n. the property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made); not stale or deteriorated
n. originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel
n. an alert and refreshed state



That means it's fresh. It's really fresh.

那很新鲜吧 非常新鲜

Fresh start? I don't want a fresh start.

重新开始 我不想重新开始

Fresh brainbites, get your fresh brainbites here.

新鲜的大脑 要不要新鲜的大脑

When you make fresh doughnuts, you need fresh yeast.

你要想制作新鲜的甜甜圈 就必须有新鲜的酵母

Oh, minty fresh. I like minty fresh.

薄荷味清新牙膏 我喜欢薄荷味

We don't want fresh eggs, but we want fresh eggs.

我们情愿不吃这个鲜鸡蛋 即使我们真的很想吃

I know, but if we're gonna start fresh, let's really start fresh.

我知道 但如果我们要从头开始 那就真的一切从头开始

To actually cut them down fresh, yeah that's freshness on a different level.

而亲手砍下的新鲜棕榈心 绝对是异乎寻常的新鲜

I just don't understand how you have something that's fresh, and you have something that's not fresh, and then... and then it's a good idea.

为什么你把新鲜的 和不新鲜的放在一起 就变成好东西了

Arun has brought in some pepper that is not just freshly ground, but freshly picked and imported.

阿伦带来了几种胡椒 不只是现磨的 更是现采现摘的