
音标/读音 ['mæ^i]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 马吉(女子名)



Maggie, we're gonna get you through this.

麦基 我们会帮你出来的

Maggie, you're supposed to be on the ground.

玛姬 你应该坐地上才对

Maggie's... she's mentioned you once, I think.

玛姬...提过你 一次

Maggie, I don't want him to come out.

麦琪 我不想要他生出来

Maggie, you did what it took to survive, that's all.

麦基 你只是做了能保住工作的事 仅此而已

Maggie, we are not running a hotel here.

麦基 我们不是开酒店的

Maggie was reading this when she died.


Maggie, I wish you'd be more open with me.

麦姬 我希望你能对我坦诚点

Maggie, I can't watch you burn yourself.

麦琪 我无法眼睁睁看着你烫自己

Maggie had a cottage registered in her name.
