
音标/读音 ['trækiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 跟踪, 追踪

n the pursuit (of a person or animal) by following tracks or marks they left behind
v carry on the feet and deposit
v observe or plot the moving path of something
v go after with the intent to catch
v travel across or pass over
v make tracks upon



This morning, I was tracking it down, it was tracking me down.

今天早上我在追踪它 它也在追踪我

Do you have a positive track on him? I have a good track.

你检查过了吗 我检查过了

They don't keep track of me, I don't keep track of them.

他们不知道我的动向 我也不知道他们的

You get on a cougar track, and you follow the cougar track, and the cougar track's leading right to the bay station.

你开始追踪一只美洲狮 跟随着它的足迹 那些足迹直通向海湾站

If that car starts to lift off the track, it's going to pull that rocket sled off of the track, trash the experiment and the track.

如果汽车偏离轨道 火箭滑道也会随之偏离并损坏轨道 整个实验也会付诸东流

Rainbow is running track because she loves track.


I tracked him down here. I'm doing this.

我追踪他来到这里 我要亲自来追他

Tracking mutants is way easier than tracking humans.


I track your mystery caller's phone, or they track us.

是我先追踪到神秘来电的电话 还是他们先发现我们

Only way it makes sense that you were tracking me before I got here was that you weren't tracking me at all.

唯一可以解釋 在我還沒來之前 你就在追蹤我的是 你追蹤的根本不是我