
音标/读音 ['trænskript]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 抄本, 副本, 成绩单
[法] 法院文本, 官方记录, 记录的副本

n. something that has been transcribed; a written record (usually typewritten) of dictated or recorded speech
n. a reproduction of a written record (e.g. of a legal or school record)



You have our transcripts? I believe I do.

你有我们的记录副本 我想是的

We gave them a transcript, that's all.

我们给了他们一份转录文本 仅此而已

Not to worry, because I have a transcript.

但没关系 我已经把它整理成文本了

I'll be back if there's any more transcripts.

如果还有更多转录的话 我会回来的

Possible but they can't give out transcripts.

有可能 但他们不能提供笔录

No. I read the transcript of her testimony.

不 我读过她的证词副本

I do medical transcriptions, and I had to send them in.

我是医疗转录员 我必须把记录送过去

I have a transcript of your testimony right here.


Based on the transcripts, I wrote up a list.


I'll be sure to email her a copy of the transcript.
