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◎ 单词释义

n. 麦芽酒
[医] 麦芽酒

n. a general name for beer made with a top fermenting yeast; in some of the United States an ale is (by law) a brew of more than 4% alcohol by volume



I cannot stock up enough ginger ale. I love ginger ale.

我超爱囤姜汁汽水 我很爱喝姜汁汽水

The ale ye waste now is ale ye'll probably be wanting later.

现在浪费的麦芽酒 之后你们可能会很想要

When it comes to the ale, I'll leave that to you.

等做出派以后 我让你来吃

But it's because I've been down here all day, and this is very good ale.

但那是因为我一整天都在这里 而且麦芽酒味道很不错

It should have been ginger ale or even beer.

他该喝姜汁汽水的 或者啤酒也行啊

I think you mean the ginger ale is out of you.


that is a proper buffalo and ale pie.


That is a proper buffalo and ale pie.


Ginger ale's more your speed, I think.


Swigging from a tankard of cheap ale.
