
音标/读音 ['terәbl]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 可怕的, 令人恐惧的, 极坏的

s causing fear or dread or terror
s exceptionally bad or displeasing
s intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality
s extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact



Just... a terrible, terrible, terrible dream, that's all.

只是一场 可怕的噩梦 仅此而已

But she was in terrible, terrible pain.


So terribly right and so terribly wrong.

你是如此正确 又如此错误

That is a terrible sting, but the machine itself isn't terrible at all.

这段小片真是糟透了 但是我们使用的器械可一点都不糟糕

I was a terrible father, terrible hu*and.

我是个糟糕的父亲 糟糕的丈夫

I'm a terrible mother. I'm a terrible wife.

我是个不称职的母亲 不称职的妻子

First, you should know he was a terrible, terrible hatmaker.

首先 你应该知道 他是个特别糟糕的制帽匠

Listen to me, you have suffered a terrible, terrible loss.

听我说 你确实经历了极其可怕的损失

You're a terrible person who does terrible things to people.

你是个可怕的人 对人心狠手辣

Gargamel is hatching a terrible, terrible plan.
