
音标/读音 ['hɒlәdi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 假日, 假期, 节日
vi. 度假

n. a day on which work is suspended by law or custom



This has to be the holiday special to endall holiday specials.


We're going to have the holiday that we always have because she loves this holiday.

我们要像之前一样度个假 因为她喜欢这样的假期

Well, he was so tired after his golfing holiday that he's had to take another holiday.

他刚结束高尔夫假期 身心俱疲 所以他又去休假了

We've brought her on a holiday that's like her favourite holiday, but without the marmalade chunks.

我们带她来度了一个很像她最喜欢假期的假期 但却没有橘子酱块

As the holiday break war on, lainey continued to edge me out of my holiday traditions with barry.

节日战争开始 兰妮继续把我排挤出 我和巴瑞的节日传统

Oh, she's crazy. I think all holidays are great holidays, especially the ones featuring chocolate.

她疯了 我觉得所有的节日都是好节日 尤其是那些以巧克力为特色的

No, I have nothing against any holiday.

没有 我不反对任何节日

But we were talking about the holidays.


We had that holiday there when I was a girl.

我小的时候 我们在那儿度过假

It's not... It's not really our holiday.
