
音标/读音 [twә:p]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 讨厌的家伙, 蠢人

n. someone who is regarded as contemptible



That little twerp found something we all missed.


I can't believe you sold the company to that little twerp.


Not only did they nullify my sales, but that twerp won the karaoke machine.

他们不只把我的销量作废 那个*还赢走了卡拉OK机

Little twerp like you should be holed up in your mother's basement trolling conspiracy boards.

像你这样的小蠢蛋就该被关在 *的地下室里玩阴谋桌面游戏

I'm just gonna have to literally lock the building doors since I can't trust any of you twerps to do a single goddamn thing.

我根本无法信任你们这些废物 能干好一件事 所以我必须 真的把每扇门都给锁上

All the fellows pitched in and got you life imprisonment, and a good possibility of chokin' in the gas chamber, you *in' shitheeled twerp.

所有人都出了力想给你判个终身监禁 还有很大可能在毒气室被执行死刑 你这个吃屎的废柴