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◎ 单词释义

[建] 粘结性

n. the property of being cohesive and sticky



They don't come back together with the same cohesion.


This lack of cohesion weakens magnetic force.


But your team lost cohesion, and you paid the price.

但你的队伍太松散 所以你们也付出了代价

On the surface they're cohesive, but there are divisions and conflicting agendas.

表面上他们团结一致 实际上内部有分歧和矛盾

We have a pregig meal that builds unit cohesion.


It then sends signals that alter the production of cohesion in fertility.

它会发出信号 改变人体的生育能力

We need to be one cohesive unit or we'll never land this booth.

我们要统一行动 否则就别想拿下这个卡座

That was very mean, but I'm gonna move past that in the name of unit cohesion.

说得太狠了 但我重视团队凝聚力 所以就不追究了

The last thing this place needs is a cohesive set of rules.


I run into very hard surface but it appears to be a very cohesive material of the same sort.

碰到了非常坚硬的表面 但它似乎是一种很有凝聚力的材料之类的