
音标/读音 [.ʌn'edjukeitid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 未受教育的, 无知的

a. not having a good education



He may be uneducated, but he's by no means stupid.

他可能未受教育 但绝不愚蠢

But I can understand how the uneducated are apt to confuse the two.

不过我可以理解 没文化的人 会混淆这两个概念

Thomas, they still assume me an uneducated slave girl.

托马斯 他们还以为我是个文盲女奴

If there's one thing this country doesn't need, it's more uneducated voters.

如果有一样东西是这个国家不需要的 那就是更多未受教育的选民

Teenage nymphets, uneducated, often they had no idea who their powerful lover was.

她们大多是少女 没接受过教育 通常都不知道这位有权势的情人是谁

A learned woman like yourself, looking down on an uneducated insect like me.

像你这样教育程度高的女性 瞧不起我这样没文化的蝼蚁

And he's most likely uneducated, but he's still charming enough to engage his victims.

他几乎没受过教育 可他仍然有足够的魅力吸引被害人

I mean, this country belongs to the uneducated and ignorant as much as it belongs to me.

这个国家属于那些没有受过教育和无知的人 也属于我

My problem is that you go out of your way to sound uneducated and to look like a gangbanger, and I'm not down with that.

我不喜欢的是你费尽心思 说些没教养的话 举止像是帮派分子 我一点都不喜欢这样

Well, just cos I look like an uneducated gobshite doesn't mean I am one.

虽然我看起来像个目不识丁的二愣子 不代表我就是