
音标/读音 ['pɑ:tikl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 颗粒, 粒子, 质点, 极小量
[化] 粒子; 质点

n. a body having finite mass and internal structure but negligible dimensions
n. a function word that can be used in English to form phrasal verbs



So, the idea here is that when you make a measurement of a particle that's here and there at the same time, and you find the particle over here, then there's a you which finds the particle over here in this world, but at the same time, there's another world over there where another you has found the particle over there.

这一理论是说 当你测量一个同时存在于 两个位置的粒子时 若你在这里发现了粒子 那就有一个你 在这个世界的这里发现了粒子 但是同时 还有另外一个世界 另外一个你在那个世界的那里发现了粒子

So, in particle systems, usually the particles are very *all.

粒子系统中 粒子通常很小

The state of every particle is related to the state of the particles around it.

每个粒子的状态 都与其周围粒子的状态相关

But really, the idea of particle systems is that we make a whole bunch of particles.

但其实 粒子系统的核心 是要建立一整束粒子

Here, roasted by the sun and blasted by the wind, the rocks disintegrate, and mountains, particle by particle, are reduced to sand.

烈日炙烤 疾风刻蚀 岩石崩裂瓦解 高山在万年风刻下 碾为尘土

Imagine a ridiculously simple universe which only has space for four particles and only two kinds of particles, purple and yellow.

想象下一个非常简化的世界 这个世界由4个弹子组成 弹子只有两种颜色 紫色和*

We're flying through the magnetic field and measuring at the same time the charged particles and the fields that cause these auroral particles to bombard the atmosphere.

我们穿过磁场时 会同时测量带电粒子 和导致这些极光粒子 轰击大气层的磁场

So if the ice is fluffy, the particles perhaps are more likely to coalesce, rather than to break up or to bounce off each other, because there's more surface area for the particles to stick.

如果冰更蓬松 颗粒也许 更容易聚合 而不是散开 或者被弹开 因为有更多表面积可以 让颗粒粘在一起

Except, instead of two particles moving in opposite directions, colliding at the speed of light in the inner ring, we're only going to inject one particle into the accelerator.

但是这次不是两颗粒子 反方向在内圈中 以光速运动互相撞击 而是在加速器中 只注入一颗粒子

Rhondium particles, that's what I'm looking for.

朗迪厄姆粒子 我找的就是这个