
音标/读音 ['linin]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 亚麻布, 亚麻线, 亚麻制品
a. 亚麻布制的, 亚麻的

n. a fabric woven with fibers from the flax plant
n. a high-quality paper made of linen fibers or with a linen finish
n. white goods or clothing made with linen cloth



And you, sir, go next door and fetch me a *all, sharp knife, some liquor, and some linens lots of linens.

这位先生 去隔壁给我拿一把锋利的小刀 一些酒 一些亚麻布 大量亚麻布

They're down the hall in the linen closet.


There's some fresh linens and towels over there for you.


I'll have to use ammonia to refresh these linens.


Daniel, grab some linens from the cupboard.

丹尼尔 去橱柜里拿些床单来

Furniture... the silver, the plate, the linen.

家具 银器 盘子 甚至床单

And one was for linen fabric, a lot of it.


It's a blend of cotton, linen and other fibers.

混合了棉 亚麻以及其他纤维

I'll show you the closet where I keep the linen.


the glasswork, all the way down to the table linens.

玻璃制品 一直到桌布和餐巾