
音标/读音 [hәul]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 孔, 洞, 穴, 漏洞
vt. 挖洞, 掘坑
vi. 进洞, 凿洞

n. an opening into or through something
n. an opening deliberately made in or through something
n. one playing period (from tee to green) on a golf course
n. an unoccupied space



Okay, I need to know who made the hole, how they made the hole, and why they tried to hide the hole.

我得要知道 是谁弄的洞 怎么弄的 以及为什么想把它藏起来

You went rat hole to rat hole with me.


There's a hole, like a bullet hole, clean through.

门上有个洞 像子弹洞 直接贯穿

And when we do, we see the donut hole has a hole in its center.

那时我们就会发现甜甜圈球的中心 还有一个洞

Cover that hole, boys, cover that hole.

堵住那个洞 兄弟们 堵住那个洞

Roughly every galaxy has got one big black hole in the middle, super massive black hole, and millions and millions of *aller black holes.

大致上每一个星系中心都存在一个大黑洞 超巨质量黑洞 还有数千万的较小黑洞

I don't understand black holes.I love black holes.

我不了解黑洞 我爱黑洞

We wouldn't be in this hole if it wasn't for you.

如果不是因为你 我们也不至于这么惨

So there's a big board with a hole in it, and the * goes in the hole.

这个桌子上有个洞 你把*塞进那个洞里

Just put me down for a hole in one on the first hole.
