
音标/读音 [ræp]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 轻敲, 拍击, 责骂, 无价值的东西
vt. 轻敲, 厉声说出, 叱责, 抢走, 使着迷
vi. 敲击, 发敲击声, 交谈, 同情
[计] 随机存取程序, 资源分配处理器, 常驻汇编程序

n. a gentle blow
n. voluble conversation
n. genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged
v. strike sharply



The moment you hear this, it's a rap. It's a rap.

你听这个 这是首说唱音乐 说唱

"toothbrush rap" early, so they know I'm rapping.


I mean I can listen to rap, well, but I just can't rap.

我喜欢听饶舌音乐 但是 我自己不会唱

This rap's dedicated to all the bigbooty.


This is business, it is not a rap battle.

这是生意 不是说唱对决

You understand? I didn't beat the rap.

你懂吗 我没有逃脱制裁

That's all right. I'll take the rap for it.

没事 我可以背这个黑锅

That's all of your rap songs layered over each other.


It could be about the boyfriend she took the rap for.


What? I figured I'd try writing a rap.

什么 我觉得我该写些说唱歌曲