
音标/读音 [dʒim]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 吉姆(人名)



Jim, you don't have to. It's okay.

吉姆 你不必如此 没关系的

Jim, where are you? In the basement.

金 你在哪 在地下室

Jim, you wish you could do what I'm doing.

吉姆 你也希望能像我这样

Jim, we love you; we're here for you.

吉姆 我们爱你 我们是来支持你的

Jim, I'm so sorry about your mother.

吉姆 关于你母亲 请节哀顺变

Jim, your forehead is bleeding. It is.

吉姆 你额头*了 是啊

Jim, I hope you know what you're doing.

吉姆 我希望你知道自己在干什么

Jim said he'd been there most of the afternoon.


Jim was not a substitute for anything.


Jim, let's get their cocounsel in here.

吉姆 把他们的合作律师叫过来