
音标/读音 ['detәneitә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 雷管, 炸药
[化] 雷管

n. a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive



We measure an explosion by a number of factors: detonation velocity, detonation pressure and brisance.

我们会通过一些因素来衡量一次爆炸 爆速 爆压 破坏力

I wouldn't say I detonated the bomb, but I would say I played a crucial role in why the bomb was detonated.

我不敢說是自己引爆了炸彈 但這么說吧 炸彈的引爆 少不了我的功勞

He's already used cell phones in a movie theater to detonate a bomb, and now, he's using page count views on a web site to detonate another.

他已经在电影院里 引爆一个炸弹了 现在 他通过网站浏览量计数 要再引爆一个炸弹

So if we try to remove it, it would detonate.

如果试图移除背心 一定会引爆炸弹

Any delay and I'll detonate the bomb.

胆敢有任何耽搁 我就引爆炸弹

It's going to detonate no matter what you do.


I never would have detonated that vest.


Whatever you did to the detonator, undo it.

不管你做了什么 解除掉

You'll be racing over the mines as the detonate.


After it detonates, we'll be on the roof to pick you up.

爆炸后 我们会去天台接你