
音标/读音 []
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

abbr. 总碳氢分析器(Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer);泰国(thailand)



I got the feeling tha the might know more about me than you think.


God be praised, brother. I'm tha' glad for ee.

感谢上帝 弟弟 我为你们感到高兴

But we've got to start with you telling me about the guy who just killed tha t man.

但是你得先告诉我们刚才 是谁杀了那个人

I mean, one day, we're making plans for our future, and the next day, he's telling me tha the met his soul mate.

前一天 我们还在讨论两人的未来 一转脸 他却说找到了灵魂伴侣