
音标/读音 [wein]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 减少, 衰微, 败落, 亏缺, 月亏
vi. 变小, 亏缺, 衰落, 消逝, 退潮

v. become smaller
v. decrease in phase



The only difference one is waning, the other waxing.

唯一的区别 一股势力日渐衰弱 另一股却日益强大

Well, I can say the interest I had in you has waned.

我只能说 曾经我对你抱有的兴趣已经消磨光了

Forget me, and thy magic shall wane.

倘使吾名不存 则汝巫力将亡

The night is waning fast. It's precious time to me.

夜晚很快就会过去 时间很宝贵

Their enthusia* for both of you waned after the way you conducted yourselves last night.

他们对你俩的热情 在昨晚的所作所为之后消退了

The virus, even as it grows stronger, waxes and wanes.


Not really, she... said something about the light of the waning moon.

没问出什么 她说今天 残月光线昏暗

As my magic wanes, certain abilities are no longer within my power.

随着我的法力衰退 我已经丧失了某些能力

Let's just say that their philanthropic generosity has waned in recent months.

他们这种慷慨的慈善行为 近几个月少了许多

But a physical advantage will eventually wane in the face of superior intellect.

但体能优势终会在 智商优势面前低头