
音标/读音 [mɑ:'tʃi:zmәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 男子气概

n. exaggerated masculinity



It's not or you'd just get over your machi*o.

不是 要不你就克服了你的大男子主义

I guess I didn't expect such...machi*o from you.

我想我没想到你这么... 爷们儿

They like to show off their machi*o.


And emphasized his machi*o and his male image.

总是要求他要有男子气概 做男子汉

All of this this fake machi*o, these lies it's just a cover.

你的男子气 你的谎言 不过是幌子而已

You held that coffee cup with real bluecollar machi*o.

你端着那个咖啡杯的时候 确实挺有男子气概的

The taunting that went on, the antics were to pour some acid on this machi*o.

接连的嘲讽和挑衅动作 浇灭了他的男子气概

I came to you, man to man, so please, put away this machi*o.

我是以男人对男人的身份来找你的 拜托了 收起你的男子气概

Well, uh, you all look like you have money to burn and machi*o to measure.

你们看上去都很有钱 有男子气概

His machi*o caused him to get injured and will certainly prevent him from asking for help.

他的男子气概已经让自己受伤了 也百分百会让他拒绝寻求他人的帮助