
音标/读音 ['mɑ:ksmәnʃip]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 射击术, 枪法

n. skill in shooting



Well, it would be if this had anything to do with mark*anship, but it doesn't.

确实 如果这与瞄准水平有关的话 但这不是

His mark*anship was crap, but he passed.

他的射击术很烂 但通过了考试

I happen to have a medal in mark*anship from the academy.

我在军校的时候 正巧拿了射击奖章

I took my eyes off the ball in surveillance, my mark*anship scores are off.

我监控没盯住 枪法分数也不高

And I offer to you that such a piece of mark*anship belongs among those tests.

而我告訴各位 這樣的槍法 就是測試方法之一

When I call your name, please step forward to receive your mark*anship badge.

叫到你的名字就上前领取 你的射击勋章

He barely got out of the academy because he couldn't even meet, like, his minimum mark*anship skills.

他差一点就没能从警察学院毕业 因为他连最起码的 枪法都达不到