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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 费尔南多(男子名)



Fernando, el gordo fell into the tree.

费尔南多 那个胖子从天空掉到树上

One example is san fernando city in the philippines.


We're proud of san fernando with their 7% to 8% waste aversion.

我們很自豪地看到聖·費爾南多 減少了7~8%的垃圾

But the reality is that you have that remaining 22% that san fernando cannot manage, that no one can manage.

但現實需要你把那個數值控制在22%上下 這一點聖·費爾南多做不到 也沒有城市做得到

San fernando would be spending 70 million pesos per year just to collect their waste and dump it in a landfill.

聖·費爾南多每年要花七千萬比索 來收集垃圾並把他們倒入填埋場中