
音标/读音 ['hɔlәu^ræm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 全息照相图
[计] 全息照相, 全息图

n. the intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography



You didn't. It's your turn to be the hologram.

你沒來這里 現在你是全息投影了

And I don't want any more holograms.


They're holograms, so we can't choke or shoot them.

他们是全息投影 所以我们不能锁他们喉 也不能射死他们

I'm not a hologram like my predecessor.


I was a hologram once, for three weeks.

我曾经当过一次全息影像 有三星期

As she was a hologram, I now understand why.

因为她是一个全息图 我现在明白了

I'm only a hologram, as you can see.

我只是个全息影像 如你所见

I made this hologram from his likeness.


He appears to be just a hologram, sir.

他好像只是个全息投影 长官

I looked once, but the hologram made me dizzy.

我看过一次 但是全息图让我头昏眼花