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◎ 单词释义

n. 丹妮尔(f.)



Danielle put you up to, but there's no cupcake.

什么愚蠢的玩笑 但没有什么纸杯蛋糕

Danielle, we all know you have a problem with commitment.

丹妮尔 我们都知道你不敢给出承诺

Danielle, but last night, she said that wasn't her name.

丹妮尔 但她昨晚说她不叫这个名字

Danielle, slightly different take on the speech.

丹妮尔 演讲要有些小改动

Danielle said that if I get her drunk enough she'll show me her tattoos.

丹妮尔说如果我能灌醉她 她就给我看她的纹身

Danielle said they tried to catch it for two hours, but it escaped.

丹尼尔说他们花了两个小时想抓住它 但它还是跑了