
音标/读音 ['ændri, 'ɑ:ndrei]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 安德烈(男子名, 等于Andrew)



Andre would kill me if he knew I were here.


Andre, I'm sorry that you have to see this.

安德烈 抱歉让你看到这一幕

Andre, I am all for you getting on with your life.

安德鲁 我完全支持你开始新生活

Andre, this is a special night for me.

安德鲁 今晚对我来说很特别

Andres, I knew you wouldn't let me down.

安德烈斯 我就知道你不会让我失望

Andre, I could've helped you through this.

安德鲁 我本可以帮助你度过这一段日子

Andre, what happened to me is your fault.

安德鲁 我出事是你的错

Andre actually hooked me up with my wife.


Andre, put your heart into this company.

安德鲁 为了我们公司你也是呕心沥血

Andre, we're just asking for a favor.

安德烈 我们想请你帮个忙