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◎ 单词释义

n. 消息传送;信息传送;通知

n. the sending and processing of e-mail by computer



I have a message about them, a message from my boss to yours.

我有一条关于这些和谈的消息 是我的上司向你上司传递的信息

That's a message, a message from your hu*and.


It remains for you to explain from whom are the messages, to whom are the messages.

需要你来解释 这些信息来自谁 要交给谁

All the text messages... I'm getting all the text messages.

都是那些短信 一大堆短信

To turn typed messages into voice messages.


You have 24 new messages, and 6 saved messages.

你有24條新信息 和6條已存信息

He used to send me messages, secret messages when he was reporting.

他以前常常会给我发消息 他在报道时会发秘密消息

board were messages of hate or revenge, they were all messages of love.

在打电话传递仇恨 大家都在传达爱意

But, obviously, someone's mad enough to send you a message, and he was the message.

不过显然 有人气坏了要给你传递信息 他就是那个信息

When a criminal organization sends a violent message, it does so with a certainty that that message is clear.

当一个犯罪集团 通过暴力方式发出信息时 那会是 一种很明确的信息