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◎ 单词释义

瓦尔加斯, 瓦格斯(人名)
巴尔加斯(地名, 在阿根廷、巴拿马、玻利维亚、古巴、洪都拉斯)

n. Brazilian statesman who ruled Brazil as a virtual dictator (1883-1954)



Varga survived barely, but he couldn't see faces.

瓦尔加还有一口气 但他没看见对方的脸

Vargas has never trusted anyone in his life.


Tom larsen said he killed frankie vargas.


Vargas wanted to revisit his talking points on free trade.


Vargas and his men traded cars. I'm canvassing traffic cams now.

Vargas和他的手下换车了 我正在调查交通摄像头

Petty girls, vargas girls, sexy girls, there weren't too many serious things.

瓦加斯女郎 这儿并没有太多严肃的话题

Varga's boys are mainly known for moving high quantities of club drugs.

瓦加尔的手下 主要为*运送大量*

Varga tells me that while everybody else was picking their asses, you rushed to him, struck him on the chest, and brought him back.

瓦尔加告诉我 当其他人都在忙着自保 你却冲向他 拍击他的胸部 把他救了回来

Varga took off her blindfold somewhere in a back room where she met an old man grinding coffee while reciting her poetry.

瓦尔加曾在某处的密室里摘掉了她的眼罩 她在那里见到了一位一边研磨咖啡 一边吟诵她的诗的老男人