
音标/读音 [plә'si:bәu]
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◎ 单词释义

n. (为死者所诵的)晚祷歌, 安慰剂, 安慰的话, 使人宽慰的事
[医] 安慰剂, 无效[对照]剂

n. an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug
n. (Roman Catholic Church) vespers of the office for the dead



Manfred's technique works at a subconscious level, so could explain why placebos work even if you know it's a placebo.

曼弗雷德的方法作用于潜意识 因此可以解释为何在知情的情况下 安慰剂仍能奏效

We've also seen that placebos can cause a chemical change in your body, reducing pain even if you know it's a placebo.

我们也知道了即使患者 知道这是安慰剂 它仍旧能*你的身体 分泌镇痛的化学物质

Now the reason we want you to do this is because there is research which shows that when people take a placebo, even if they know it's placebo, they can still get benefit.

之所以要您这样做 是因为有关研究表明 当人们服用安慰剂时 即便他们知道是安慰剂 他们仍能获益

The reason we did it was this was part of a huge placebo experiment because, contrary to what you might think, the placebo is a really powerful and really, really interesting phenomenon.

我们之所以这样做 因为这是大型安慰剂试验的一部分 与您可能的认知相反 安慰剂是一个真正有效 且真的 真的很有趣的现象

There was one where they took a group of patients with irritable bowel syndrome, they gave them a placebo, they told them it was a placebo but nonetheless 20% claimed they got pain relief.

曾经有这样一个试验 是针对肠道易激综合症的患者的 试验给了他们安慰剂 并且提前告知了他们 然而百分之二十的患者还是表示 他们的疼痛减轻了

He found out that she's only on a placebo.


The meteors, they... they were a placebo.

流星 他们相当于安慰剂而已

I found out they're giving her a placebo.


I'd be very surprised if I was in the placebo group.

如果我在安慰剂组 我会非常吃惊

In fact, they are all receiving the placebo.

事实上 他们拿到的都是安慰剂