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◎ 单词释义

n. 辗轧声, 嘎吱嘎吱声
vi. 作辗轧声, 发出辗轧声

n. a squeaking sound



Creak's room where he kept his drill.

那是克里克的房间 他把钻子放在那里

There'll be more give and less creak.

伸展性更好 不容易发出响声

I'm more of a three creaks and a pass out kind of guy.


But that weird creaking noise is a close second.


Hoover likes to hear the bedsprings creak.


The equipment here is still low tech and often creaking.

这里的设备依旧落后 嘎吱声不断

Oh, man, she's creaking like a barn door.


The only consolation in the creaks, and limited range of vision that we don't endure it alone.

Ωһֵðο DZ뿴 Dzǹµػ

I couldn't take another moment on that rolling, creaking, leaking tub.

那艘摇晃 咯吱响 漏水的破船 我一秒都不想多待

Creak may represent the dark side of her personality the side that she herself cannot face.

克里克可能是她人格的黑暗面 是她无法接受的黑暗面