
音标/读音 [snɒt]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 鼻水, 鼻涕, 惹人嫌的人, 蛮横无理的话

n. nasal mucus



I mean, yeah, the tapioca's sort of like blobs of snot, but, it's delicious blobs of snot.

我是說 木薯粉做的珍珠確實看起來像一大顆鼻涕 但那也是美味的鼻涕

I couldn't sing, but I could knock the snot out of a quarterback.

我不会唱歌 但我能把一个四分卫打得找不到北

It's mostly snot, and a bit of saliva.

主要是鼻涕 还有一些口水

They they beat the snot out of us, and there was nothing we could do.

他们把我们打得屁滚尿流 我们毫无还手之力

I wiped the shit and snot from your children.


crying, blubbering, snotting all over the linoleum.

痛哭流涕 鼻涕流在油毯上

Been here for two hours with snot pouring out my nose.

我都来了两个小时了 鼻涕一直流

Endless talk about snot and mucus and terrorists.

不停地说鼻涕 分泌液 恐怖主义

Nothing I've tried has worked and I hate snot.

我试过的方法都没用 而且我讨厌鼻涕

Have it your way, cock snot. I'll call the police.

随便你 * 我会报警的