
音标/读音 ['diplәmæt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 外交官, 有外交手腕的人
[法] 外交家, 外交官, 有权谋的人

n. an official engaged in international negotiations
n. a person who deals tactfully with others



Who's this family? I'm a diplomat.

这家人是谁 我是个外交官

No, I did this trying to be diplomatic.

不 怪我此前试图用外交手段

What's this about? I have diplomatic papers.

我不知为何这样 我有外交签证

You are no more a soldier than I am a diplomat.

你不是战士 就像我不善于外交一样

And they can't do that with a dead diplomat.


No, it's more of a diplomatic issue.

不是 其实是外交上的麻烦

I am more than qualified to be a diplomat.


Bess, it has to be a diplomatic solution.

贝丝 必须要用外交手段解决

I'm a diplomat, a guest in your country.

我可是外交官 你们国家的客人

He's a diplomat for a sovereign nation.
