

音标/读音 ['gaizә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 喷泉, 间歇泉

n. a spring that discharges hot water and steam
v. to overflow like a geyser



The largest concentration of geysers in the world.


It was a geyser, half the library staring.

血都喷出来了 半个图书馆的人都看到了

Sent effluent geysering out their basement toilet.


But kids your age, they're like geysers full of hormones.

但你这个年纪的孩子们 你们就像荷尔蒙喷泉一样

It could be a, what, a geyser, or, uh, you know, just some trapped methane, you know.

可能是个温泉什么的 或者一些甲烷气体

The pressure of the gas below will keep it flowing, like a geyser.

下面的气压会保持水的流动 就像间歇泉

Boy, when you take an interest in people, you really uncork a geyser of nonsense.

天啊 一旦对别人感兴趣 你真是打开了废话的话匣子

That geyser is pumping out three cubic miles of water every second.


I dream about a land so rich in opportunity that it geysers up from the ground like oil, bursting to touch the heavens.

我夢到的國度機會如此豐富 如原油一般從地下噴涌而出 沖上云霄