
音标/读音 ['kɑ:vә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 雕刻匠, 雕工, 切肉刀
[医] 雕刻器

n. United States botanist and agricultural chemist who developed many uses for peanuts and soy beans and sweet potatoes (1864-1943)



There is no one to help you, wood carver.

没人会来救你的 小木匠

It's an embarras*ent to squash carvers everywhere.


Carver, you better shut up before I kick your ass.

卡弗 再不闭嘴我就要揍人了

Carver will kill us if anything happens to her.

要是她出什么岔子 卡弗会杀了我们的

Carver just told me we're not gonna tell anybody what happened up there.

卡弗刚跟我说 不能跟任何人提起那里发生了什么