
音标/读音 ['mævәrik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 未烙饲主印记的小牛, 持不同意见的人
vi. 迷路

n. someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action
n. an unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it



A maverick band of dolphins swims in.


She's super *art, a bit of a maverick.

她非常聪明 有点特立独行

But that's not exactly surprising, as you know, she's a bit of a maverick.

一点都不惊讶 你知道 她就是有点桀骜不驯

Like mavericks who never sat in pudding.


People don't really appreciate a maverick streak.


My son, the maverick, wanting to fight the system.

我的儿子 特立独行 想挣脱体制的束缚

Come on, man, the people that started this studio, they were mavericks, pioneers.

拜托 老兄 创立这间制片厂的人 他们特立独行 开拓创新

Curb that maverick streak in you and you'll make a decent officer someday.

你什么时候能克制住内心的叛逆 就能成为一名杰出的警官

At least the people who bought my tickets to the mavericks game are having a good time.

至少买了我小牛队 比赛票的人 现在很开心

He was a hotshot pod pilot until his maverick attitude forced him into civilian life.

他是一个成功的太空飞行员 直到他独断专行的态度 迫使他进入平民生活