
音标/读音 ['fɒgi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 雾深的, 模糊的

s stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)
s indistinct or hazy in outline
s filled or abounding with fog or mist
s obscured by fog



My memory on that point is... foggy.


Foggy, I'm begging you, don't say it.

福吉 求你了 别说了

Look at that. It totally is getting foggy down there.

快看 下面已经雾蒙蒙的了

It's numb and it's foggy, and I'm not going back.

麻木模糊 我不要回去了

I've always been a little foggy as to your motives.

对于你的目的 我还不太清楚

Girls, it's too foggy. I can't see anything.

女孩子们 雾太大了 我什么都看不见

Cool, disoriented, a little foggy in the head.

冷 迷迷糊糊的 大脑里一团浆糊

So, forgive me if my mind is a little foggy on some of the details.

很抱歉 我对某些细节记不太清楚了

Your mind might be a little foggy from your nap.


That crap makes me all foggy and gets me fat.

那种垃圾药让我精神恍惚 还让我变胖了