
音标/读音 [pәu'lentә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 大麦片粥, 玉米糊

n. a thick mush made of cornmeal boiled in stock or water



I remember a dish with polenta, rhubarb and liver.

我记得有一道玉米糊 大黄和猪肝做成的料理

Oh, yes. I've heard the grilled polenta's divine.

对了 我听说你家的香煎玉米饼棒极了

You've got polenta, that beautiful yellow baking powder and flour.

有玉米粉 漂亮的金* 发酵粉和面粉

Next, is a lemon polenta cake, with seaweed both in the main mixture, and sprinkled on top.

接下来是柠檬玉米蛋糕 在主料中加入了海藻 表面也洒了一些

The polenta, or cornmeal, as it's sometimes called, will give my topping a gorgeous yellow colour and creamy corny flavour.

玉米粉 有时候也叫谷物粉 会给我的派顶添上漂亮的金* 并增添奶油玉米的香味