
音标/读音 ['bә:gәmɒt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 王子梨, 香柠檬
[医] 佛手柑, 香柑, 薄荷(俗名)

n. small tree with pear-shaped fruit whose oil is used in perfumery; Italy



A little cedar, a little spruce, a little bergamot.

有点雪松 云杉和佛手柑的味道

Thistle wort, dried chickweed, bergamot, sassafras brew it up, drink it, you will not feel hungry.

蓟草 干繁缕 佛手柑和黄樟根皮 煮了喝下 就不会觉得饿了

She told me to burn a $100 bill under Iris' picture while I take a bath in sage, bergamot, lavender, and chamomile.

她让我在艾莉丝的照片下面烧一张百元大钞 同时我要用鼠尾草 佛手柑 薰衣草和洋甘菊泡澡