
音标/读音 ['dizmәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 阴沉的, 凄凉的, 令人忧郁的
n. 低落的情绪, 沼泽

s causing dejection



I meant that he is a di*al musician.


I wonder how you walk in a straight line, your wits are so di*ally few.

你哪来的勇气还能这么镇定 你真是蠢得可怜

I'll be looking at disciplinary action over my own di*al failure of authority.

我会因为滥用职权 而受到处分

Going out in di*al weather to return probably in worse.

在阴沉的天气出门 回来时可能更糟

I can get a taxi when I'm stranded in some di*al metro station.

要是被困在什么阴森的地铁站 我可以自己打车

And a riproaring party with new dresses and dancing to enliven this di*al winter.

还有喧闹的宴会 大家身着华服 纵情跳舞 来活跃这凄凉的冬季

Let us quit this di*al scene, and ride home in our limousine.

我们离开这凄凉之地 坐豪华轿车回家吧

And as long as the ratings don't dip below a di*al 15 million a night, we could be on the air for many years.

只要收视率 不会低于每晚150万人 我们就能播好几年呢

Even the maid is from some di*al foundling home, they couldn't have children of their own so they filled the house with little unwanteds.

就连女佣都来自什么可怕的弃儿育养院 他们自己生不了孩子 就在家里养了一堆没人要的孩子

Sometimes life feels like some di*al story presented as entertainment by some cruel and invisible author.

有时人生就像一个凄凉的故事 由残忍 不见人影的作者 呈现给众人当娱乐