
音标/读音 [sprai]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 精神好的, 活泼的, 敏捷的

s moving quickly and lightly



You're a bit too spry for my liking.

你对吾爱来说 太有生气了

And so, reptiles and amphibians are gonna not be too spry.


You know, for an older lady, you're pretty spry.

作为一位年长的女士 你身手很敏捷

You really are quite spry for a big man.

个头这么大 你身手倒挺敏捷

Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow.

不管怎样 你一把年纪 身手还算敏捷

Well, you were certainly a little more spry in your younger days.


Got to say, you're looking pretty spry for a dead man.

我得说 对于一个死人来说你还真精神

But now I am spry as a kangaroo and ready to get back working for your grandmother.

现在我身手已经恢复敏捷 随时准备回来伺候你奶奶了

The doctor says he's very healthy and spry, my darling, but now we must concentrate on you.

医生说他健康精神 亲爱的 但现在我们得关注你

They're so young and spry, it's possible they'll leave a lot of broken pieces on the floor when they're done.

他们太年轻气盛 完事后可能会留下大量蛛丝马迹