
音标/读音 [tә'^eðәnis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 和睦, 友好

n. affectionate closeness



We kill together, we survive together, and we have sex together.

我们一起杀戮 我们一起活了下来 还一起滚了床单

We voted together, and we're all in this together.

我们一起投的票 现在也要共进退

So you travel together, but you're not together.

所以说你们一起旅行 却不是情侣

We could wake up together, and eat together, and make art together.

我们能一起醒来 一起用餐 一起创作艺术

We worked together, then we were together.

我们一起工作过 然后在一起

Arrested together, sentenced together, and if we have to, we will die together.

一同被捕 一同被判决 如果别无他法 我们将一同就义

We cook together, we drink together, we spy on our shady neighbor together.

我们一起煮饭 一起喝酒 一起监视可疑的邻居

We marched together, went to court together, got rights together.

我们一起* 一起上法庭 一起获得权利

We would talk together, get high together, throw old batteries at drones together.

我们谈心 嗑药 一起朝无人机扔旧电池

You get it together, they all get it together.

你要是振作起来 他们也就振作起来了