
音标/读音 ['vendʒәns]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 复仇, 报仇
[法] 报仇, 复仇

n. the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life; I will repay, saith the Lord"--Romans 12:19



What you're contemplating is vengeance, not justice, and we don't need vengeance.

你想要的是复仇 不是正义 我们不需要复仇

Nothing works like vengeance, and this man has plenty of vengeance left in him.

没有什么比复仇更有吸引力了 而且他还有很多仇要报

You can't take their vengeance on your own.


and then we attack with a vengeance.

到时候 我们再杀他个回马枪

Then talk to me when vengeance is in your grasp.


But it will return with a vengeance.


Skur wants vengeance for what they did to him.

因为他们所做的事 史卡要向他们报仇

You may have your vengeance, as I am about to have...mine.

你或许有你的复仇方式 我也将要进行我的复仇

But not before she swore dark vengeance.

印成之际 她立下复仇的毒誓

Vengeance for you and justice for my son.

你可以复仇 我能为我的儿子讨回公道